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Block Title
Create a customer journey mapping for my <input your own industry>. My buyer persona is <input your buyer persona e.g. Singaporean Traveller>. Create in a table format with Y axis 1) Summary, touch point, moments of truth, pain points. X axis you can suggest.
Block Title
Create a SMART goal for my social media campaign for my business. My business is <brief description of your business>. My main goal is to <briefly describe your main goal, ie increase awareness, generate leads, increase sales etc>. Start with a SMART goal statement that includes relevant Facebook metrics in the goal, then justify the goal in concise manner using SMART in table format.
Block Title
Create a 7-day Facebook content calendar to achieve my SMART goal for <input your industry & target outcome e.g. targetting Singapore travel industry & increasing Facebook followers>. Present the content calendar in table format with these columns: 1. Day number; 2. Post description in 1 sentence; 3. Post Type (Post, Story, or Reel); 4. Media Assets with description; 5. Facebook Metric