Even though many people are cutting down non-essential travels due to the unfortunate outbreak of the Coronavirus, COVID-19. I’m sure many people are asking “is it safe to travel amid coronavirus period?”. Well, I would suggest heeding the government advice and avoid making non-essential travels, but there are people who need to fly during this period and are concern about maintaining good personal health while travelling. Some concerned travellers have asked me for advice on this topic, and I thought about sharing my personal tips on how to maintain good health when travelling! So here are my 10 travel tips to reduce the risk of getting sick. This article is purely my personal experience on how to maintain good personal hygiene, boost your immunity and reduce the risk of getting sick when travelling. it is definitely not about a full proof solution against the Coronavirus (aka COVID-19).

Is it safe to travel amid Coronavirus? A clean and hygienic travel tips for safer travels!
The products and medication mentioned in this article are purely based on my personal experience. Please consult your physician, or other health care professionals before taking any medications or supplement products. The recommendations in this article are provided for information purposes only and are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition, particularly the Coronavirus, Covid-19. The information provided herein should not be considered as a substitute for the advice of a medical doctor or other healthcare professional.
1) Pro-biotics
First up, you may be surprised that I am not putting Vitamin C first on my list, but my first important tip is on Probiotics! Previously there was a period where I fell sick easily, due to various reasons like lack of sleep, having a considerable amount of stress at work and a busy schedule that created an unhealthy lifestyle. As a vegetarian, I have a consume a healthy amount of vegetables and fruits, so I am pretty sure that I have sufficient Vitamin C in my diet! I later learnt from my doctor that having a healthy vegetarian diet is not good enough, she prescribed TS6 (a blend of 6 probiotic strains) and explained that probiotic is also needed to boost metabolic function and stimulate our immune system.

TS6 supplement to regulate good gut health and immunity
In layman terms, a healthy gut will give you an excellent regulated immune system. Subsequently, I’ve tried some cheaper options for probiotics (TS6 is very expensive for regular intake) and true enough my immune system improved significantly!
I’m sure there is stock right now in any pharmacy or supplement shops, please do not hoard them. Spare a thought for others, please. 🙂
2) Hand sanitisers are very useful for travel
I’m very confident that everyone knows the importance of hand sanitiser, that is why it is out of stock in most parts of the world during this COVID-19 period. Initially, I couldn’t find one during my recent trip, but thankfully a kind-hearted merchant sold her last pack of HospiCare 70 (alcohol wipes that contains 70% alcohol) to me before my flight and 70% alcohol is the recommended percentage to kill the viruses! I had to settle for alcohol wipes as I could not find any hand sanitiser. My advice is to get your hands on a hand sanitiser for your travel as some doctors are concern with the effectiveness of wet wipes and claimed that they are better as cleaning environmental surfaces rather than your hands.

An alternative if you can’t get a hand sanitiser!
When you are on the plane, try to clean your seat handle and in-flight entertainment screen with wet wipes before sanitising your hands. Remember that hand sanitiser is for our hands, don’t waste it cleaning the seat and in-flight screen! Also take note that the plane seats are coated with fire-resistant material and the use of alcohol wipes or sanitiser, it may destroy the fire retardant! Also please do not use alcohol to destroy the plane’s screen system. Here are some tips for you to keep yourself healthy on the plane.

Some flight hygiene tips to make it safe to travel Coronavirus period! 🙂
Some flight hygiene tips:
- Never walk barefoot or with socks, imagine the number of germs stuck underneath your feet. (OMG)
- Try NOT to touch the seat pockets. Imagine, I once saw fingernails inside!
- Ask for bottled water, if possible.
- Avoid touching your face, if you have an itch, use the soap and wash your hands first before touching your face.
- Bring your own travel pillow.
- Bring your own jacket instead of using the plane’s blankets. You never know!
- Use your own headsets or earpiece.
3) Surgical Masks
I believe this item is now out of stock everywhere in the world. I don’t think you need any advice on this! While the Singapore Government says “Masks are generally not needed for people who are well”, so if you are unwell, please wear a mask! Our government is doing a good job to set by example. That being said, I have seen an inconsiderate passenger who didn’t wear a surgical mask even when they are sick! The flight attendant offered but was rejected by the passenger! So please be considerate and wear a surgical mask if you are not feeling well, as it is not just about spreading virus or germs to others, but also to protect yourself from further virus or bacteria attack as your immunity is already low!

What goes around, comes around! So protect others, also protect yourself!
If you cannot get your hands on a surgical mask for your trip, make sure you have a bottle of hand sanitiser with you. Whenever you want to touch your face, make sure you sanitise your hands first! But seriously avoid touching your face, if possible. Use soap and wash your hands frequently whenever necessary!
4) Vitamin C
This is a no brainer. Vitamin C is the most obvious supplement to take when you travel. Besides boosting immunity, Vitamin C contains many health benefits like being rich in antioxidant to reduce chronic diseases, help battle high blood pressure, lower the risk of heart diseases, prevent gout attacks, prevent iron deficiencies, protects memory and improve white blood cells function, good for collagen, tissues, bones, teeth, blood vessels and many more! My advice is to get your daily dose of Vitamin C from fresh and natural vegetables (e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, green and red peppers, spinach, tomatoes, etc) and fruits (e.g. Oranges, Lemon, Guava, Blackcurrants, etc) rather than pills. But if you need the convenience and a booster, a Vitamin C pill is still a good option!

Natural food with high Vitamin C! Hope you like the collage I did! 🙂
5) Lozenges
When you have a dry/sore throat or you are struggling to curb a cough, sucking lozenges will help ease and relieve the symptoms. It helps to increase saliva production, which reduces the dryness which will help reduce the cough reflex caused by a dry/itchy throat! Some medicated lozenges also have additional ingredients to cure sore throat and coughs! I personally find the Watermelon Frost Spray and Lozenges are good for me to reduce sore throat or infection.

This brand doesn’t pay me to advertise for them, but I find the Watermelon Frost Spray and Lozenges very effective relieve a sore throat. Not cure but to relieve!
Another medicine I find it useful to curb throat inflammation is Serrazyme! It is a type of anti-inflammatory enzyme that helps to reduce inflammation and pain reliever. These enzymes help bring oxygenated blood to damaged tissues and remove the metabolic waste that causes inflammation and pain. I have this convenient medicine on standby in my travel medicine pouch whenever I travel. Please consult your doctor or other health care professionals before using Serrazyme!
Note: Sore throat indicates an infection and is one of the symptoms for Coronavirus, COVID-19. Please see a doctor if you have a fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath!

Please consult your doctor before taking Serrazyme, and check for any possible allergies or side effects!
If the above is unavailable, drinking coke with salt can be your last resort! It is a possible alternative to stop the inflammation in your throat, but I realised it usually causes phlegm and cough for me. Not a good idea of transferring your problem to another. So this leads to the next point.
6) Water
71% of our world and 60% of our body is made of water! This shows the importance of our relationship with water. Water is the best therapy for everything. We shouldn’t dehydrate ourselves, especially when we travel. As water plays a vital role in our body system, I practice water therapy to regulate my health and bowel movement.

Please save water! People in Africa need to manually pump freshwater and ration it!
Read: 16 Life Lessons I’m Grateful That Ethiopia Taught Me
Water Therapy is about you drinking one litre of water as soon as you are awake in the morning, wait for 15 minutes before going to the toilet or brush your teeth. The very first thing you do, before you even brush your teeth. I realised by practising water therapy, it helps to cleanse the toxin in my body, regulate my bowel movement and helps prevent constipation (happens when you travel at times), prevent dehydration and ultimately improves my immune system. I have personally recommended some family members and friends to try this and it worked for them. Try it and see if it works for you.

I find it very effective especially when I travel! Drink plenty of water first thing you awake, and rest for 10mins before brushing teeth.
7) Herbal Tea Pack
The lack of sleep, disrupted meals routine and an unhealthy diet when you travel could make you fall sick easily! The Oldenlandia Herbal Tea is an excellent product to bring along to relieve symptoms such as common cold, fever, sore throat, husky voice, heaty, cough, headache and relieving constipation as well. It is not as fast-acting as Paracetamol, but it does its work well in a more natural manner with the benefits of the Oldenlandia herbs. Remember, it is to relieve the normal body heaty, not a remedy against virus or bacteria!

Oldenlandia Diffusa Herbal Tea very useful to relieve fever, cold, sore throat or constipation!
Note: Please see a doctor if you have a fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath!
8) Sleep
Sorry to the party people! Sleep is one of the most essential condition to maintain good health. Due to jetlag, extreme travel conditions or unfamiliar environment, our sleep patterns may be disrupted. On average, we need at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. When your situation is not ideal, you might want to consider the items I bring below.

Try your best to get good quality sleep, be it on the plane or overseas.
One of my favourite items to bring on my travels is the “Cocoon 100% Silk Insect Shield Travel Sheet Liner“. There are plenty of materials or brands you can choose from, but I use the Cocoon brand after doing some research, and pick the silk material as it can keep me warm up during cold temperature and cool me down during hot temperature! The travel sheet offers a hygienic sleep environment ideal for a rough and tough or not so hygienic environment found during camping, staying in hostels or budget hotels. The INSECT SHIELD provides insect protection and repels mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, fleas, chiggers, and midges. There are many brands out there, so do your own research and find the one that works for you!
Besides, having your own travel pillow is a good option to avoid resting your head on the plane seats or dirty pillows.
Check out the product here: Cocoon 100% Silk Insect Shield Travel Sheet Liner
9) Vaccines
Personally, I only take vaccines when it’s mandated by the local government for travellers but my sister insisted that it helps to boost her immunity against seasonal flu or cold. Depending on where you go and which season you are travelling in, it is always a prudent option to get vaccines before you travel. It makes it safer to travel amid Coronavirus, but do consult your doctor before getting any vaccination!

I got 8 vaccines in one shot before travelling around Africa!
10) Positive Mindset – Psychological & Mental Defence
Panic can cause more harm and disorder than the Coronavirus or any other viruses! Before the virus gets to you, your body immune system is weakened by your anxiety and unnecessary stress therefore keeping a positive mindset is very important! We must build not just our physical defence, but also a strong psychological and mental health too. Going crazy, panic buying and hoarding food items, sanitised solutions or toilet rolls will not prevent you from the Coronavirus! Instead of keeping good personal hygiene, eat well, sleep well, shit well, and play well will keep you healthy and happy!

The Worst Thing To Happen Is Panic Buying Around The World!
Image Reference: https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/big-read-short-sporeans-panic-buying-amid-covid-19-outbreak
We should be thankful to the Government for setting up the right communication platforms in Singapore. A good initiative by the Ministry of Health’s WhatsApp posts and engages every citizen by updating us with the correct information, advising us to keep calm, giving us instructions at times. We should also be socially responsible and sieve out fake news or fallacious rumours that will cause unnecessary social disorder to the public! Watch out for scammers and price gouging, and report these unscrupulous sellers to the authorities. These will keep everyone informed on the real situation/news, and keep our society calm during the crisis. I believe many Singaporeans are proud and have confidence that we can win this battle against the Coronavirus, COVID-19! #SGunited #TogetherWeCanOverCome
My kudos and salute to the front line medical staff who are at the forefront to defend against the widespread of the Coronavirus, Covid-19. Not forgetting the backend warriors such as Government personnel from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) to help those in need, such as low-income families who are affected by quarantine order in Singapore. These are the real warriors who worked day and night for the country and such sacrifices are not widely reported or known! Thank you so much!

Mr Wang (centre with face mask), who was Singapore’s first confirmed COVID-19 patient, (From China) poses with the beautiful medical staff at Singapore General Hospital upon being discharged after 28 days in SGH. (PHOTO: Screenshot/Lianhe Zaobao)
My Heartfelt Feelings: A Compassionate Heart, A Merciful Diet – Vegetarianism
While everyone is blaming China for the outbreak of Coronavirus, COVID-19, citing the food that they eat is disgusting! “They eat all types of disgusting wildlife animals etc”. I want to point out that the word “disgusting” is actually subjective. For example, in Peru, some locals eat Guinea Pigs, in Thailand people eat insects, in France people eat snails, in Australia, some locals eat Kangaroos, in Africa, people eat Field Mice in summer, in the Middle East, people eat Camels, in Italy some locals eat Horses, and in some parts of Indonesia, there are people who eat Cats, and many more. For me, I eat vegetables! to be honest, it is also tough for me to watch people eat chicken drumsticks, steaks, hams, sausages, fish heads, with all the drops of blood. By the way, all living creatures including human’s blood are the same colour – red!

I was shocked about what I saw in Malawi! Field Mice Satay is very common, especially during the warmer season! 🙁
While everyone is putting their blame on China, think about the hundreds of thousands of people who are infected, and think about the pain that thousands of families went through when they lost their loved ones! Many are innocent as well! Within a month, children become orphans, and parents lost their children. Many sad stories about losing their father, mother, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, lovers, best friends and colleagues! Recently, a doctor who postponed his wedding to work at the frontline died from Coronavirus, Covid-19 infection! The virus started because of human greed and desire, but it can be resolved with love and empathy! Let us all pray for the world to overcome this as soon as possible!

Prayers Around The World
We should also reflect what we put into our mouth in future! There are far too many zoonotic transmission diseases over the past few decades for our references. Ebola (Bats, Monkeys, Baboons, Chimpanzees from Africa), Mad Cow Diseases (Cow obviously from UK + Europe), H1N1 Swine Flu (Pigs from Mexico), H5N1 (Birds from China), MERS (Camel from the Middle East), SARS (Civet Cats from China), COVID-19 (Bats from China). If humans do not stop eating meat, I believe for sure, there will be more zoonotic diseases and viruses in the future. How many more of such blows can we take?

The most terrifying experience walking through the day market in Luang Prabang, Laos.
Read: The rest of my experience in Luang Prabang, Laos.
A vegetarian diet is a merciful diet that can help save our environment! The animal agriculture contributes on a “massive scale” to global warming, air pollution, land degradation, energy use, deforestation, and biodiversity decline. You are what you eat! A classic example “You can stop using straws to save fish, but will not stop eating fish to save fish?”. Check out more on Travel Inspiration 360‘s Vegetarian Inspiration 360 or the article: “10 Misconceptions About Vegetarians“.
Open your mind, and your heart before you open your mouth!
Bang! This is needed, before this global corona crisis I always thing each and everything in this world will might stop but the travellers can’t and you prove me right. Great post.
Bang! This is needed, Before reading this I was thinking it might be a joke or and humorful post but literally you are sharing tips.
Great work, Appreciations.
Great tips, I am already following some tips like using probiotics, sanitizers, wearing mask, eating vitamin rich food & drinking lots of water but I am following this at home as travelling is not allowed. Hope this ends soon & I can travel again. Thanks for the tips, keep up the great work & stay safe.
It’s so important! Thanks for all the work you’re putting in!
This is really helpful. Are you looking for companies that provides a professional and reliable office disinfection? Cotton Care can help disinfect your office and workplace by delivering a relia
Great reading about safe travel. I really want to go out after the end of pandemic. Thank you for sharing these great tips.
There is a great deal of panic about what has proven to be no more serious that a typical flu or cold. It is an incredible shame that the entire world has been essentially on a lockdown for this. Please know the facts about Covid 19 and stop being a germophobe. We are composed largely of microflora and fauna without which we would be nothing.
Also it’s a good idea to stop wasting your money and time on all of these measures. We have never done these things in the past and there’s a good reason. They don’t actually stop the spread of disease. It is our healthy immune systems that stop us getting sick – so you are right in that area. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article
Thanks for encouraging people to travel. I would really really like to get out of my country but not with the prospect of another two week quarantine. Until govs start to realise that they don’t have the right to force this punishment on citizens, a lot of people will be very reluctant to travel. All of this nonsense makes for travel anxiety which really defeats the whole purpose.
Will be traveling to Barbados next month and been looking for travel accessories that I need to carry in going there. Thank you for the tips. I will be carrying my own pen as well
Thank you for your kind words… I hope you have a safe journey. Share with me your experience. Pls stay safe and healthy. 🙂
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I’m flying Southwest this week. I’ve got a whole head-to-toe COVID travel outfit planned, including double masking & a face shield. I’m going to look like a freak, but I don’t care.
hahaha yea, safety is the most important. Share with me how was your trip? I hope all is well for u. 🙂
Hey, thanks a lot! When do you think most countries will be open for tourists?
Haha if you ask me, I hope is immediately… But it guess it’s gonna take until 2023 at least. Singapore Airlines projected to 2024. I hope is earlier.
This is a very good look.it is very important. so this is very true.
I am really happy. I would like to very much.so I agree with you. I have done this.
Hi, it is very important. this is looking too nice. our best important guide.
When disinfecting some of our travel items instead of lysol you can use some vinegar and blue dawn soap. Better for the environment, and it smells less like chemicals! Edit: You also don’t need to wear gloves this way. anyway great travel blog thanks for sharing it
Wow thanks for the tips Katelyn. Great to learn something new. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words anyway. 🙂
Remember that the virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person. Also touching different surfaces and your face can be dangerous. Stay safe! 🙂
Hi Keith!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and amazing tips. I am travelling to Singapore next week. I was looking for some travel tips that I can follow during this pandemic, and your blog was perfect guide for me. Now I can travel without fear. Keep posting more blogs. Have a nice day!!
Hi Keith! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and amazing tips to travel during pandemic. I am travelling to Singapore next week. I was looking for some travel tips that I can follow during this pandemic, and your blog was perfect guide for me. Now I can travel without fear. Keep posting more blogs. Have a nice day!!!!!
Hi Sushma, I am so sorry for the late reply and I hope u had a good time in Singapore. Please travel safe and stay healthy! 🙂
Hello there! Thank you for sharing this definitive post on traveling during coronavirus!
Hello there! Thank you for sharing all these helpful tips.
Glad I stopped by your blog!
Thanks for the insight, These covid travel tips are very useful Thanks for sharing with us.
Hey there! Thank you for sharing all these useful tips!
Glad I popped by your blog!
Be careful!
Interesting blog.It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you
Thanks… will do so next time 🙂
Take good care bro!
thanks, Keith Yuen For sharing your tips, it’s really helpful for travel Travel Amid Coronavirus
Thank you so much for your kind words Ponir. 🙂
Thanks for pointing out that hand sanitizers are very useful for travel to avoid germs and viruses during this pandemic. I would imagine that anyone would want to protect themselves and the people around them to avoid spreading the virus. I think that establishments should consider getting COVID-19 disinfecting systems that are functional so that proper building operations can occur.
Yea thanks for your kind words. 🙂
Yea in Singapore, all the establishment set up sanitizers and disinfecting solutions within the premises. Especially on escalators and elevators. This really helps to bring the numbers down.
I need to travel most of the time in the year due to my business. Hope your thoughts will help me a lot while travelling.
Very amazing sensational blog! Thanks for the tips I found your blog very amazing I will continue to read and wait for more content like this.
Got to know a lot from this!
Everything was so relatable.
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for reminding me that I need to pay attention to creating a balanced diet that would work well for me. Got too much information related to health problem. This post is very helpful. Thanks for sharing such an informative post!!
Thank Keith Yuen your health post is help in my life health….
Excellent tips! I am also a vegetarian, became one when I was 8 years old and saw a couple of chickens being slaughtered. Out of these having a positive mindset and ability to manage stress effectively is the most important.
Hey, thanks for your awesome sharing and you’ve done a great job the article was up to the mark and appreciating you to be continued with such effort.
I read your article and found it informative and very helpful. I want to add more value in it. The consequences alluded to the high-quality consequences on hospitals having long gone thru the accreditation adventure and supported the gathering of required facts associated with COVID-19.
What’s your opinion about it?
Great advice; I’m already using probiotics, hand sanitizers, wearing a mask, eating vitamin-rich foods, and drinking plenty of water, but I’m doing so at home because I can’t fly. I’m hoping this will be over soon so I can travel again. Thank you for the advice; keep up the good work and be safe.
Thank you for your kind words. Yea, let’s hope things will get even better. You can start travelling just need to be careful and maintain good personal hygiene. Hope all goes well for you. Thanks again! 🙂
I have read your current post thoroughly and found it helpful. I will like to recommend this post to my young kids.
ALso, I think if we get vaccine which you mentioned, then we do not need other points as much as we need them without vaccinne.
Many thanks
haha true that… because I wrote this article before the mass vaccination exercise in the world. So, the situation pretty much has changed! haha 🙂
Thanks for sharing this information, worth reading.
Your website is full of quality information, i have read different articles here and found them very helpful.
By the way if you are looking for best handguns safes or pistol vault, then you should definitely buy it from Titan Vault.
Thanks, for the tips. this is an interesting blog because i have to travel a lot. I am focusing on precautions but still i am afraid that i might get infacted..
Thanks, for the tips. this is an interesting blog because i have to travel a lot. I am focusing on precautions but still, i am afraid that i might get infected..
Excellent advice
Excellent advice your
Excellent advice, thank you
The blog is really essentional for trave]ler
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing travel blog! He has been an invaluable source of information, inspiration, and guidance to me and many other travelers. Your detailed posts, useful tips and authentic reports made my journey around the world much more enriching.
This is some of the best advice to stay healthy while you’re on the road! It is important that we stay protected, especially in confined spaces like airplanes. Cleaning the seat surface and the in-flight entertainment fabric with damp cloths before sanitizing them is a smart move. This is the reason, the disinfectant is for me and for us, so it is best not to waste it when cleaning surfaces. Also, it is crucial to be aware of the materials used in airplane seats and avoid clothes moistened with alcohol or disinfectants to avoid damage. Thank you for sharing these tips for a safer travel experience!
Although many people are cutting back on non-essential travel due to the unfortunate outbreak of the Coronavirus, COVID-19. I’m sure many people are wondering “is it safe to travel during the coronavirus period?”. Well, I would suggest following government advice and avoiding non-essential travel, but there are people who need to fly during this time and are concerned about maintaining good personal health whilst traveling. Some concerned travelers have asked me for advice on this topic, and I thought I’d share my personal tips on how to maintain good health while traveling! So here are my 10 travel tips to reduce your risk of getting sick. This article is purely my personal experience on how to maintain good personal hygiene, boost your immunity, and reduce your risk of getting sick when traveling. It is definitely not a foolproof solution against Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19).
Thank you for the beneficial post. I visit your website. People are becoming very beneficial for your natural food supplement.
They are getting the products from the home so they save time and money both.
Thank you for the beneficial post. I visit your website. People are becoming very beneficial for your natural food supplement.
They are getting the products from the home to save time and money.
You’ve raised some important points about maintaining a balanced approach during uncertain times. It’s crucial to prioritize both physical and mental health to strengthen overall well-being.
Keeping a positive mindset can indeed bolster resilience against stress and anxiety, which can weaken the immune system. Focusing on good personal hygiene practices, adequate nutrition, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise are vital habits that support immune function and overall health.
Panic and hoarding items unnecessarily can create more chaos and anxiety, rather than effectively preventing illness. It’s essential to stay informed from reliable sources, follow recommended guidelines for hygiene, and remain calm in the face of challenges.
By taking proactive steps to care for ourselves mentally and physically, we can better navigate through times of uncertainty and prioritize our health and happiness.